For Ex-Congressman Jefferson, Justice Delayed Means Freedom

exRep. Jefferson at sentencing in 2009 /Sketch by Art Lien/NBC News
By Allan Lengel

There’s an old saying: “Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.”

But for ex-Louisiana Congressman William Jefferson, justice delayed means more FREEDOM.

Bruce Alpert, a star reporter for the New Orleans Times-Picayune, reports : ” Almost two years after a federal jury found former U.S. Rep. William Jefferson guilty of 11 counts of public corruption, oral arguments in his appeal have again been delayed.”

Jefferson, now 64,  was sentenced in November 2009 to 13 years in prison, but has been allowed to remain free pending his appeal, which has been delayed and delayed.

The New Orleans paper reported that the  4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals initially scheduled a hearing on the matter in May, but delayed that until September after Jefferson’s lawyer said he need more time to recover from treatment for lymphoma.

Now, the court says it has scheduling conflicts and will hold the hearing in late October, the paper reported.

Jefferson gained national notoriety when the FBI raided his home on Capitol Hill in the summer of 2005 and recovered $90,000 in his freezer. The money had been given to him by a business woman who was working with the FBI as part of a sting.

He lost his bid for re-election in 2008.


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