Forbes: Jeff Sessions to Bring Fresh Perspective, Experience to Justice Department

Jeff Sessions
Jeff Sessions

By Steve Forbes

At this point in our nation’s history President-elect Donald Trump has chosen exactly the right person to serve as our next attorney general: Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama. Senator Sessions has a blend of experience rarely seen in attorneys general: 12 years as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama, the top federal law-enforcement officer in that district; several years as the elected attorney general of Alabama; and 20 years as a member of the U.S. Senate. No previous attorney general in our lifetime can match these credentials.

During his time in the Senate, Senator Sessions has served with distinction on the Senate Judiciary Committee, which has oversight of the Department of Justice. He has watched the disintegration of the Justice Department under President Obama, including the appointment of two attorneys general who have aided and abetted the unprecedented expansion of unconstitutional executive orders that have undermined the concepts of the Rule of Law and the Separation of Powers that have guided our country’s destiny for over 200 years. Senator Sessions understands the Constitution and is ready, willing and able to assist our next President in returning the nation to the Rule of Law and putting an end to the dictatorial powers assumed by our most recent President.

Senator Sessions understands the criminal justice system and the importance of integrating the efforts of federal, state and local law-enforcement agencies into a seamless web dedicated to public safety. He has personal experience in both state and federal law enforcement, which will enable him to maintain–and improve where necessary–critical interagency cooperation to combat drug trafficking, cyber crime, terrorism, gun violence, immigration enforcement and a variety of other threats to the public.

His many years of experience as part of the Justice Department and the insights he has gained as a member of the Senate have given him a unique knowledge of the Justice Department and its constituent agencies. The Justice Department is a complex, multidivisional entity, covering everything from criminal justice, civil rights, tax, antitrust and tort law to lands and environmental issues, as well as many other issues.

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