Former FBI Agent May Have Lied Under Oath During ‘Weaponization’ Hearing Before Congress

By Steve Neavling

A former FBI agent cast as a whistleblower may have lied under oath while testifying before a congressional panel investigating what Republicans claim is the “weaponization” of the federal government against conservatives, the Guardian reports

Ex-FBI agent Garret O’Boyle

Garret O’Boyle, a former FBI field agent, was asked by Democrat Dan Goldman last week whether his legal defense was funded in part by longtime Trump supporter Kash Patel.

“Not that I’m aware of,” O’Boyle responded. 

But during an interview with the House of Representatives weaponization subcommittee in February, O’Boyle disclosed that the nonprofit organization Fight with Kash, which is run by Patel, paid his legal fees. 

In addition, a Democratic staff report published in March indicated that Patel had appointed Jesse Binnall, who served as Trump’s top “election fraud” attorney in 2020 and is on the board of directors for the Kash Foundation, to serve as O’Boyle’s counsel. 

Now Democrats are saying that O’Boyle may have lied to the committee. 

“Mr. O’Boyle’s answers in the subcommittee hearing on Thursday appear to contradict his previous testimony in the transcribed interview with subcommittee staff,” Goldman told the Guardian. “In order to ensure witnesses are truthful when they come before the subcommittee, Chairman Jordan must determine whether or not Mr. O’Boyle lied under oath on Thursday.”

O’Boyle, who served as a special agent for the FBI from 2018 until earlier this year, had alleged the FBI had become politicized. 

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