Former Ill. FBI Agent Lied About Missing Money, Gets 5 Months Behind Bars

By Danny Fenster

A former FBI agent was taken into custody Tuesday after being sentenced to five months in prison followed by five months home confinement for lying to investigators about losing money seized in a major drug bust.  Authorities suspect he actually stole the money.

Jerry Nau, from Peoria, Ill., pleaded guilty in August to lying to investigators and forging the signatures of fellow agents on evidence sheets to hide the missing money, reports the Chicago Tribune. A total of $43,643 went missing after the bust of drug dealer Adrain Robinson. Nau told investigators he panicked when he was unable to find the money before the trial and hoped it would “turn up” on its own, the Tribune reported.

A special prosecutor, Assistant U.S. Attorney James Warden, was assigned to the case from the Indianapolis U.S. attorney’s office.

“Would you walk away and say, ‘I hope it comes back some day?'” Warden said, according to the Tribune. “No, you would start screaming at your colleagues and say … ‘Let’s go find (the money).

“What happened is he stole the money.”

In court, Nau read a statement, according to the Trib.

“I always taught my children to tell the truth,” he said. “I told everyone around me lies are what get you in trouble because once you told one, you need to tell another to cover yourself.”

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