Clint Hill remembers running toward the back of the limousine where President John F. Kennedy was just shot.
Hill was a Secret Service agent who was in the motorcade surrounding the president and first lady on Nov. 22, 1963.
“I think about it every day,” Hill told a crowd Tuesday night at Bismarck State College, the Bismark Tribune reports. “It never goes away.”
Hill said he took off his suit jacket and covered the president’s body at the hospital so the first lady wouldn’t have to see the gruesome results.
Hill also had the unfortunate job of telling Robert Kennedy that his brother was dead.
“I didn’t want to tell him that his brother was dead,” Hill said.
“It’s as bad as it could get,” Hill remembers telling Robert Kennedy.
LOL. Investigative reporter Russ Baker remembers FBI rile in helping assassinate a sitting President of the United States.
WHOWHATWHY We Don’t Cover the News. We Uncover It.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Bush And The JFK Hit, Part 8: Prepping A Patsy?
By Russ Baker on Nov 6, 2013
What possible connection could there have been between George H.W. Bush and the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Or between the C.I.A. and the assassination? Or between Bush and the C.I.A.? For some people, apparently, making such connections was as dangerous as letting one live wire touch another. Here, in anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination in November, is the eighth part of a ten-part series of excerpts from WhoWhatWhy editor Russ Baker’s bestseller, Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years. In this installment, Russ Baker examines Lee Harvey Oswald and his handlers.
Monday Morning Skeptic: In Boston Bombing, FBI Fights For Public’s Right To Know…Nothing
By James Henry on Nov 4, 2013
The feds are keeping us in the dark about the labyrinthine investigation on the Boston Marathon bombing. Documents mysteriously appear in the hands of pet journalists, then quickly disappear. This is convenient for the government, which wants to know everything about us while giving up little about its own agenda.
Worth Reading: Headline Grab-bag
By Wei Tung on Nov 2, 2013
Stealth bombing of Syria?… Bank-lobbyist mayor muzzles public banking advocate….. Feinstein’s NSA reform…that isn’t?… Claims ObamaCare actually will work…in a while…..The coffee mug that’s burning up the NSA…And theft at George W Bush Elementary School. We don’t make this stuff up. We just pull it in for you.
Bush And The JFK Hit, Part 7: Empire Strikes Back
By Russ Baker on Oct 31, 2013
What possible connection could there have been between George H.W. Bush and the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Or between the C.I.A. and the assassination? Or between Bush and the C.I.A.? For some people, apparently, making such connections was as dangerous as letting one live wire touch another. Here, in anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination in November, is the fifth part of a ten-part series of excerpts from WhoWhatWhy editor Russ Baker’s bestseller, Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years. In this installment, Russ Baker examines the flimsy excuses offered by George H.W. Bush as to his whereabouts on the day of the assassination.