Fort Hood Shooter Gets Death Sentence But Years of Appeals Will Stall Execution

Steve Neavling

Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan, who killed 13 people and wounded more than 30, was sentenced to death Wednesday but likely will stay alive for years, if not decades, the Associated Press reports.

And it doesn’t matter if Nidal Hasan wants to be executed.

The military justice system requires years – even decades – of appeals before someone is executed, the AP wrote.

‘‘If he really wants the death penalty, the appeals process won’t let it happen for a very long time,’’ said Joseph Gutheinz, a Texas attorney licensed by the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. ‘‘The military is going to want to do everything at its own pace. They’re not going to want to let the system kill him, even if that’s what he wants.’’

Hasan sprayed bullets at soldiers who were heading overseas or returning from combat deployments in 2009.

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