Fox News Cries Foul Over Attorney General Eric Holder Denying Exit Interview

By Steve Neavling

Attorney General Eric Holder has given Fox News the stiff-arm on an exit interview, and the news agency is not happy, The Washington Post reports.

“The Attorney General’s decision does a deep disservice to America’s largest cable news audience and the interests of a free press,” Fox News Executive Vice President Michael Clemente said in a statement.

An exit interview with Holder “would have been spectacular, give the backstory,” The Post wrote.

It was discovered in the spring of 2013 that the Justice Department used heavy-handed tactics in pursuing an investigation against Fox News reporter James Rosen, who was falsely accused of being co-conspirator in a case involving former intelligence analyst Stephen Kim.

Fox News said it wants a chance to address the facts.

“Ultimately, however, we’re not surprised that Holder would try to evade a thorough accounting of his record in office, including his decision to investigate our Chief Washington correspondent, James Rosen through an illegal seizure of emails and phone records of Rosen and his parents. Late today, the DOJ press office said ‘they look forward to accommodating’ FOX News at a future time.’ We’re hopeful but realistic about whether that will actually happen.”

One thought on “Fox News Cries Foul Over Attorney General Eric Holder Denying Exit Interview

  1. I think the problem the Attorney General had from the get go was his inability to realize that he serves ALL of the people and not just special interests or political parties. He was supposed to be unbiased and was to have represented law enforcement fairly and equitably. I don’t think he ever got the “fairness” for all concept. Unfortunately I also believe that he drove a wedge between local and state law enforcement and USDoJ. His generalized “broad brush” statements about U.S. law enforcement was, in my opinion, often divisive.

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