Fugitive Thinks Ex-FBI Agent Who Vanished in Iran is Dead

Robert Levinson
Robert Levinson
By Allan Lengel

Is former FBI agent Robert Levinson who vanished in Iran three years ago, dead?

An American-born Muslim convert Hassan Abdulraham, who is wanted for the 1980 murder of a former Iranian diplomat in Maryland, says most likely Yes, Fox News reports.

Abdulraham, who was editor of Iran’s state run Press TV at the time of the dispearance, and lives in an Islamic nation overseas, may have been the last to meet with Levinson at the time, Fox reported.

Abdulraham said he met with Levinson on March 8, 2007, at the Maryam Hotel on Kish Island, which is part of Iran, according to Fox. At the time, Levinson was working for a private security company that was looking into cigarette smuggling.

Fox reported that Abdulraham said his meeting was broken up by plainclothes Iranian police who questioned him for three hours.

“They took me away, but not Levinson,” Abdulraham said, according to Fox. “The last time I saw him he was talking to the police who had him surrounded.”

“I don’t think he’s alive,” he said.”Levinson had some health issues, and somebody like him couldn’t go from being free for 59 years to all of a sudden thrown into jail and not being free.”

Fox reported the FBI is looking in Abdulraham’s claims.

Abdulraham has admitted shooting a former Iranian diplomat at the behest of Iranian agents, Fox reported

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