Full of Baloney: Fed Judge Puts Ala. Sheriff In Own Jail For Pocketing Cash By Skimping on Inmate Meals

Sheriff Bartlett/official photo
Sheriff Bartlett/official photo

This sheriff isn’t the first in the country to pocket money by skimping on meals. But in this case, the sheriff is paying the price. Now that Sheriff Greg Bartlett is locked up in his own jail, there’s a good chance the food will get better. You’d think.

Associated Press Writer
DECATUR, Ala. — A federal judge ordered an Alabama sheriff locked up in his own jail Wednesday after holding him in contempt for failing to adequately feed inmates while profiting from the skimpy meals.
U.S. District Judge U.W. Clemon had court security arrest Morgan County Sheriff Greg Bartlett at the end of a hearing that produced dramatic testimony from skinny prisoners about paper-thin bologna and cold grits.
Bartlett had no comment as he was led from the courtroom. His attorney, Donald Rhead, said he believes the sheriff will be kept away from other inmates and hopes he will be quickly released.
For Full Story

UPDATE: Thursday:  The Associated Press reported that  the sheriff was released from prison Thursday after he submitted a plan to feed the inmates better.


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