GOP Congresswoman: Border Patrol Agents Acting As ‘Travel Agents’ under Biden Administration 

By Steve Neavling

Biden’s administration is forcing Border Patrol agents to serve as “travel agents,” U.S. Rep. Laurel Lee said Tuesday. 

Speaking on Fox News, the Florida Republican said Border Patrol agents want to protect the border, but the administration’s lax immigration policies are forcing them to step aside. 

“We’ve watched for three years while President Biden sat back and talked about things like root causes while allowing the drug cartels to take operational control of our border,” Lee said. “The situation that this has created across America and in our communities is tragic, and it’s dangerous. We know that it’s not just people coming across. We’ve seen the consequences of fentanyl trafficking, human trafficking, and there’s just no reason at this point to have any confidence that Joe Biden actually wants to secure the border.”

She continued, “We have brave men and women of Border Patrol who are down there ready, willing and able, who want to enforce our laws, who want to fight for our country. And instead, as you point out, they’re being assigned tasks like passing out blankets and working as travel agents to just bring people into this country. We don’t know who they are. We don’t know where they’re going. We do know that quite a number of these people, some are even on the terror watch list and they’re getting spread out throughout America with these notices to appear that many of them simply ignore. So this is a crisis that is a true danger to our country and something that House Republicans are committed to putting a stop to.”

A record number of undocumented migrants have been crossing the border this year, prompting Republicans to call for a return of the harsh policies instituted under former President Trump. 

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