GOP Presidential Candidates Cruz, Carson, Trump Side with FBI on Fight with Apple

Apple logoBy Steve Neavling

Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz, Ben Carson and Donald Trump defended the FBI’s battle with Apple over encrypted data on a cellphone belonging to the San Bernardino attackers.

Their positions were made clear during a televised town hall Wednesday night.

Another Republican presidential candidate, Marco Rubio, said the issue was complicated, the Los Angeles Times reports. 

“There has to be a way to deal with this issue,” Rubio said. “I don’t have a magic solution for it today … but I do know this: It will take a partnership between the technology industry and the government to solve this.”

Cruz acknowledged Apple’s “serious argument” over protecting privacy of iPhone users but said Apple ultimately is defying a searching warrant.

Carson attacked Apple’s mistrust of the government.

The remaining Republican candidates will appear at a televised town hall Thursday night, when they are expected to lay out their position on Apple’s fight with the FBI.

In a separate town hall meeting Wednesday, Trump called Apple “disgraceful” for rejecting a court order.

“We should force them to do it. We should do whatever we have to do,” Trump said during an MSNBC town hall in Charleston, S.C.

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