Gun Groups Appeal Judge’s ATF Ruling

By Danny Fenster

In the back-and-forth, knock down drag out battle over gun rights, no victory goes unchallenged.

It is perhaps no surprise, then, that the US gun industry, according to the Chicago Tribune, appealed on Monday US Judge Rosemary Collyer’s recent decision upholding a new requirement by the ATF that gun dealers in states along the US-Mexico border report multiple sales of semi-automatic rifles to the bureau.

Collyer’s ruling just came on Friday, in which she decided the requirements were narrow enough to be permissible and logical enough in light of the fight against the gun flow to  Mexico.

Lobbying powerhouse the National Rifle Association, along with the National Shooting Sports Foundation and several gun dealers argue that the new requirements would create a national registration of firearms sales, according to the Tribune, which they say the ATF is not authorized to do.

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