Guyanese National Gets 15 Years in Plot to Blow Up JFK Airport

jfk airport
By Allan Lengel

A Guyanese national was sentenced Thursday in Brooklyn federal court to 15 years in prison for his role in an international plot to blow up fuel lines and fuel tanks under JFK Airport in Queens, the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced.

Authorities charged that that Abdel Nur provided material support to the plot by trying to locate al Qaeda explosives expert Adnan Gulshair el Shukrijumah, and by introducing the plotters and presenting the plot to Yasin Abu Bakr, the notorious leader of the Trinidadian militant group Jamaat Al Muslimeen, who had been involved in terrorist attacks aimed at overthrowing the government of Trinidad and Tobago.

On June 29, he pleaded guilty.

Subsequently, a federal jury convicted Abdul Kadir and Russell Defreitas in the plot. In December, Kadir was sentenced to life in prison. Defreitas is set to be sentenced on Feb. 17.  A fourth person charged in the plot, Kareem Ibrahim, still faces trial.

Authorities say the plotters hoped the explosion and damage would dwarf the 9/11 attack.


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