Ex-Head of Mass State Police Says Others in Boston FBI Should Have Gotten Nailed for Protecting Whitey Bulger

By Allan Lengel

The story about the Boston FBI cover up and coddling of thugs like James “Whitey” Bulger isn’t going to vanish any time soon, even though many years have passed.

The latest: Thomas J. Foley, the  former head of the Massachusetts State Police, who spent 20 years chasing Bulger,  has penned a book: “Most Wanted: Pursuing Whitey Bulger, The Murderous Mob Chief The FBI Secretly Protected.”

Foley says that rogue FBI agent John Connolly, Bulger’s handler, isn’t the only FBI agent who should have taken the fall for protecting Bulger, the Boston Herald reported. Connolly is serving 40 years in prison in Florida for his corrupt relationship with Bulger and fellow mobster Steve “The Rifelman” Flemmi.

“I know I’m going to take some flak on this thing, but it had to be told,” retired state police Col. Thomas J. Foley told the Boston Herald. “It happened. It’s totally backed up and that’s just the way it was.”

“Connolly deserved what he got, but he wasn’t the only one that should have got it,” Foley said.

Bulger was captured last year after being on the lam. He was wanted for 19 murders.

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