Now this should be interesting.
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will hold hearings on Tuesday on Operation Fast and Furious and the witnesses should provide some sizzling testimony.
Those slated to testify include: Carlos Canino, ATF Acting Attaché to Mexico; Darren Gil, ex-ATF Attaché to Mexico; Jose Wall, ATF Senior Special Agent in Tijuana, Mexico; Lorren Leadmon, ATF Intelligence Operations Specialist; William Newell, former ATF Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix Field Division and William McMahon, ATF Deputy Assistant Director for Field Operations (West, including Phoenix and Mexico).
In a press release issued Wednesday, the committee said:
“This Tuesday’s hearing, Operation Fast and Furious: The Other Side of the Border, will feature the testimony of U.S. law enforcement officials who witnessed a different side of the controversial operation. These officials saw the steady stream of Operation Fast and Furious guns recovered at crime scenes in Mexico and were given orders from superiors not to alert Mexican authorities. Members of the Committee will also have their first opportunity to question ATF supervisors who have defended Operation Fast and Furious and the Justice Department’s decisions to committee investigators.
Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the committee said in a statement: “The Acting Director of the ATF has told congressional investigators that the Justice Department is attempting to shift blame in Operation Fast and Furious away from its political appointees.
“Examining the accounts of witnesses who did not participate in Operation Fast and Furious, but were nonetheless disturbed as they watched it unfold is critical to understanding the scope of this flawed program,” Issa said. “uThis testimony is especially important in light of the Justice Department’s willful efforts to withhold key evidence from investigators about what occurred, who knew and who authorized this reckless operation.”