Here We Go Again: Ill. State Lawmakers Call for Criminal Perjury Probe into Sen. Roland Burris

Just when you thought the dust has settled for the time being.

Sen. Roland Burris/official photo
Sen. Roland Burris/official photo

Chicago Sun-Times

State lawmakers are calling for a criminal investigation into whether U.S. Sen. Roland Burris committed perjury before a state impeachment panel, in the wake of a Sun-Times exclusive story published online today.
The development comes after the Chicago Democrat failed to initially disclose under oath to a House panel that he was hit up for campaign cash by former Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s brother.
State Rep. James Durkin (R-Western Springs) said Saturday that the Sangamon County state prosecutor’s office will be asked to review Burris’ Jan. 8 sworn testimony before the House panel to determine whether Burris (D-Chicago) perjured himself.
“I don’t trust anything that comes out of Roland Burris’ mouth or from his pen,” Durkin said.
“We had a major league situation facing us. This is a United States senate seat that came under the most clouded of circumstances,” Durkin said. “This is supposed to be about the year of reform this is about ethics and about transparency.”

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