Hidden Internet Sites Creating Big Headaches for FBI Investigations

By Allan Lengel

The complexities of the Internet are creating major challenges for the FBI.

Security Daily News reports that the FBI halted a child porn investigation, “citing an inability to infiltrate the Web’s hidden underworld — the ‘dark net’.”

Information about the probe was obtained through a Freedom of Information (FOI) Act request.

The FOIA request came from Jason Smathers of MuckRock after he learned that a man called the “Detroit FBI office to report that he’d found a dark net site called  ‘TSChan’ which appeared to be hosting child pornography.”

Security Daily News reports that a number of sites are hosted on a “dark net” which deliberately hides sites, making them accessible only through IP-anonymizing portals such as The Onion Router.

Security News reported: “According to the FOI request, the FBI acknowledged the impossibility of tracing TSChan, and halted its investigation.”

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