High Ranking U.S. Marshal Official Charged With Assaulting Wife

Sylvester Jones/u.s. marshal photo
Sylvester Jones/u.s. marshal photo
By Allan Lengel

A high-ranking U.S. Marshal Service official is in trouble.

The Washington Examiner reports that Sylvester E. Jones, assistant director of the Marshal service’s Witness Security Division, has been placed on leave following charges that he beat his wife in suburban Washington.

The paper reports that Jones was arrested May 3 on charges of assualting his wife Alicia Jones at their Accokee home in Prince George’s County.

Court documents allege that he hit his wife with his car door and threw her against a parked car, the Examiner reported. She was knocked out after her head hit the pavement, the paper reported.

Jones told The Washington Examiner his wife’s allegations have “no credibility.”

“I was set up by the woman I was married to, who happens to be with another guy, and I hope to have it settled in court,” he told the paper.


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