Hillary Clinton Rolls Out 5-Point Plan to Combat Radicalization in the U.S.

hillary-clintonBy Steve Neavling

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton unveiled a five-part plan to thwart the growing threat of domestic terrorism in the U.S. on Tuesday.

Clinton spoke at the University of Minnesota’s campus in Minneapolis, saying the San Bernardino massacre has shaken Americans, CBS News reports.

“San Bernardino felt different,” Clinton said. “Maybe it was the timing, coming so soon after the Paris attacks. Maybe it was how random it seemed.”

She added: “It made us all feel it could have been anywhere at any time.”

Clinton’s strategy largely focuses on shuttering the online recruiting and training systems used by ISIS by increasing intelligence sharing and carefully vetting social media sites.

“Our security professionals need to track and analyze ISIS social media posts and map jihadist networks,” Clinton said, referring to a flaw in the vetting process of one of the San Bernardino shooters. “Companies should double their efforts to maintain and enforce their own service agreements and other necessary policies to police their networks, identify extremist content and remove it.”

Clinton proposed sending agents to “high risk countries” to “better investigate” visa applicants.

“Anyone who has traveled in the past five years to a country facing serious problems with terrorism foreign fighters should have to go through a full visa investigation,” Clinton said, “no matter where they’re from.”

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