Hispanics and Muslims Targeted More in 2010 Hate Crimes

By Danny Fenster

FBI crime stats released Monday show  the proportion of hate crimes committed against Hispanics have reached a decade high, with 66 percent of ethnically motivated hate crimes being committed on the basis of anti-Hispanic bias, reports the Huffington Post.

The Huffington Post also reported in a separate article that the  level of anti-Muslim hate crimes “soared by an astounding 50 percent” above 2009 levels. The statistics show that there were 107 attacks on Muslims in 2009, and 160 in 2010.

The jump in the overall percentage of hate crimes attributed to anti-Hispanic bias has jumped dramatically, the Huffington Post reported. There were 595 Hispanic victims in 2003–almost 45 percent of the total that year–but, at 66 percent of the total for 2010, there 747 victims last year.


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