Homeland Security Chief: Threats of Lone-Wolf Attacks Keep ‘Me up at Night’

By Steve Neavling

Speaking on the 15th anniversary of 9/11, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said America remains “challenged when it comes to the prospects of the lone-wolf actor, the home-grown violent extremist.”

The good news is, Johnson said he believes the U.S. is less likely to see a similar coordinated attack on the level of 9/11, NBC News reports.

Johnson’s concerns relate to the kind of mass shootings in San Bernardino and Orlando, which “is upper most on our minds. It is the thing that keeps me up at night the most.”

“But we’ve got threats from, you know, cyber-security. We’ve got a mission devoted to the potential for bio threats, a dirty bomb. We’ve got to keep our eye on all of it. But obviously, there are things that are higher probability, there are things that are lower probability, but higher impact. And we’ve got to keep our eye on all of it.”

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