Homeland Security Readies for Raid to Deport Hundreds of Central American Families

homeland2department-of-homeland-security-logo-300x300By Steve Neavling

Homeland Security is preparing for a series of raids that involve deporting hundred of families who fled to the United States since the beginning of 2014, the Washington Post reports. 

As early as January, ICE agents will embark on its first large-scale deportation of families who came from violence-torn Central America.

The deportation targets adults and children who already have been ordered removed from the U.S. by an immigration judge.

At least hundreds of immigrants will be targeted.

“It would be an outrage if the administration subjected Central American families to even more aggressive enforcement tactics,” said Gregory Chen, director of advocacy for the American Immigration Lawyers Association. “This administration has never acknowledged the truth: that these families are refugees seeking asylum who should be given humanitarian protection rather than being detained or rounded up. When other countries are welcoming far more refugees, the U.S. should be ashamed for using jails and even contemplating large-scale deportation tactics.”

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