Homeland Security Secretary Kelly Defends Trump’s Immigration Restrictions

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly
Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly

By Steve Neavling

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly defended President Trump’s immigration restrictions but said he regrets how quickly the executive order was rolled out.

Despite Kelly’s misgivings, he insisted the immigration order was “lawful and constitutional” and “will prevail” in court, ABC News reports.

“The thinking was to get it out quick so that potentially people that might be coming here to harm us would not take advantage of some period of time that they could jump on an airplane and get here,” Kelly said.

Kelly also claimed the order is not a Muslim ban, saying it’s just a “pause” to ensure the country is safe.

“So I’m at a total loss to understand how we can vet people from various countries when in at least four of those countries we don’t even have an embassies,” he said.

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