House Approves Bill That Paves the Way for FBI Director Mueller to Extend Term 2 Years

Robert Mueller/file fbi photo
By Allan Lengel

The inevitable is becoming inevitably closer.

The U.S. House, as expected, voted by voice Thursday night to approve legislation that would allow FBI Director Robert Mueller III to extend his 10-year-term by two years, the Associated Press reported. The Senate approved the bill last week.

The bill will now go to the President, who, without question, will sign the bill. After all, he was the one who suggested Mueller extend his stay as director two years beyond this year.

The bill paves the way now for the President to send the Mueller nomination for the two year extension back to the Senate for approval. Without the bill, the President could not have sent the nomination to the Senate since current law forbids an FBI director from serving more than 10 years.

And yes, that will be approved without question.


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