House Votes Down Proposal to Downgrade TSA Uniforms
Shoshanna Utchenik

Can a uniform itself lead to abuse of power? If the uniform in question belongs to TSA airport screeners, the House says “No”.

Thursday the House voted down a proposal that would have stripped Transportation Security Administration (TSA) airport screeners of badges, shields and police-like uniforms, reports The Hill. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) had proposed the uniform downgrade in response to complaints of abuses by undertrained TSA agents who appeared dangerously similar to trained police, especially to vulnerable travelers.

The House voted against her amendment 131-282. Those against Blackburn’s proposal seemed to agree that there is power in uniform, but of a positive nature.

Rep. David Price (D-Ga.) asked, “Why would we do this? What an insult to these people.”

“What is a badge? It is a dignity that is allowed to those who are on the front lines of the nation’s security.” confirmed Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas).

Though Blackburn’s main concern was reported abuses by uniformed TSA agents, she said TSA had spent more than $1 million in taxpayer money on badges alone since 2009.

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