U.S. Attorneys continue to hit the exit door as the Bush reign approaches the finish line. The latest is Don DeGabrielle who is off to private practice and presumably bigger bucks.

By Mary Flood
Houston Chronicle
HOUSTON — Tim Johnson has been named acting U.S. attorney for the Houston-based Southern District of Texas, taking over for Don DeGabrielle, who resigned as of last week.
Johnson, who was DeGabrielle’s first assistant, is a graduate of the South Texas College of Law in Houston and a former Internal Revenue Service special agent.
He was an assistant U.S. attorney for about four years in the 1980s before practicing at a law firm and as a solo litigator and criminal defense attorney for 17 years. He returned to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in spring 2006 to serve as DeGabrielle’s second-in-command.
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