‘How Could Anyone Be That Irresponsible’ –Biden on Mar-a-Lago Secret Documents

By Allan Lengel

President Joe Biden tells “60 Minutes” he was baffled by the unsecured secret documents found at Mar-a-Lago and thought former President Donald Trump was “just totally irresponsible.”

President Biden on “60 Minutes”

“How that could possibly happen, how anyone could be that irresponsible, and I thought what data was in there that may compromise sources and methods,” he tells Scott Pelley in an interview aired Sunday night on CBS.

He also says he was never notified of the raid ahead of time and has not personally been briefed on the contents of the documents.

“I have not personally spoken to anyone in that regard,” he said. “I’m sure my administration is aware of all of that, and so is the National Security Council.

“I have not asked for the specifics of those documents because I don’t want to get myself in the middle of whether or not the Justice Department should move or not move on certain actions.”

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