How the FBI Broke Saddam Hussein

FBI Agent fingerprints Saddam Hussein/fbi photo
FBI Agent fingerprints Saddam Hussein/fbi photo

I remember hearing George Piro speak once and one thing he said was that Saddam Hussein loved Saddam Hussein. I guess there was a reason for a country full of Saddam statues.

By James Gordon Meek
New York Daily News
WASHINGTON –Saddam Hussein loved to talk – and to b.s. his sole interrogator, FBI Supervisory Special Agent George Piro.

But Piro – backed up by a team of FBI agents and crack CIA analysts – knew Saddam’s history too well. Where there were gaps, Piro was able to parry with the imprisoned leader to get credible answers. “High Value Detainee-1” was soon blabbing so freely it was hard for him to keep his lies intact.

As the weeks wore on, Saddam opened up more and more as the FBI-CIA team leveraged its strategy to “overwhelm” – and break – him by confronting the deposed dictator with evidence of his crimes against humanity.

He was soon boasting of terrible misdeeds against his own people – in order to set the historical record straight, which Piro had encouraged.

For Full Story

Read Saddam Hussein Interrogation Reports as Posted by the N.Y. Daily News:

FBI-Baghdad 302 interrogation reports from Mar. 3 – May 1, 2004
FBI-Baghdad Mar. 21, 2004 progress report on interrogations
Read How the FBI Broke Saddam – Part 1
Read How the FBI Broke Saddam – Part 2


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