How Trump Would Turn DOJ, FBI into Weapon for Conservative Causes

Ex-President Trump recently in Iowa

By Steve Neavling

Allies of Donald Trump are working on proposals to limit the independence of the FBI and Justice Department, with the goal of converting the DOJ into a weapon for conservative causes, Reuters reports, citing nine people involved in the effort.

Nevermind that the DOJ’s core values are “independence and impartiality,” according to its mission statement.

The DOJ plan has two major parts. 

First, fill the Justice Department with conservatives who are likely to follow controversial orders from the White House. Second, restructure the department so that loyalists make the key decisions. 

Conservatives would also put constraints on the FBI’s authority, shifting many of its responsibilities to other law enforcement agencies. 

“Trump feels that the DOJ has institutional problems,” said Steve Bannon, a prominent Trump ally who was prosecuted by the Justice Department and convicted for contempt of Congress. “It’s not just personnel: you do need to purge the DOJ, but you also need to reform it.”

By overhauling the DOJ, the Trump administration could advance conservative policy initiatives such as ending diversity programs and stopping federal oversight of police departments. 

When asked to comment by Reuters, Trump’s campaign pointed to a December statement: “Unless a message is coming directly from President Trump or an authorized member of his campaign team, no aspect of future presidential staffing or policy announcements should be deemed official.”

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