Idaho Man Charged With Attempting to Assassinate Pres. Obama

white house photo
By Allan Lengel

Truthfully, Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, 21, of Idaho Falls, Idaho, didn’t come close.

Nonetheless, he was indicted by a D.C. federal grand jury on Tuesday for attempting to assassinate President Obama on Nov. 11.

A 17-count indictment against Ortega-Hernandez, who has been in custody since his arrest November 16, also includes charges that he assaulted federal officers with a deadly weapon and damaged federal property.

According to the government, Ortega-Hernadez drove his Honda Accord westbound in the 1600 block of Constitution Avenue NW around 9 p.m., stopped the vehicle just past the entrance to the Ellipse, and fired several rounds at the White House.

No one was injured.

FBI investigators examined the building and located several confirmed bullet impact points on the south side of the building on or above the second story residence area. Several bullets and fragments also were collected in the area near the impact points.


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