Identity Theft Hits Chairman Bernanke in Secret Service-Postal Probe

Apparently while the chairman of the Federal Reserve was trying to watch our money, someone was trying to take his. As the story points out: no one is immune from these crimes.

Ben Bernake/fed reserve photo
Ben Bernanke/fed reserve photo

By Michael Isikoff
WASHINGTON — If ever there were living proof that identity theft can strike the mighty and powerful as well as hapless consumers, look no further than the nation’s chief banker: Ben Bernanke.

The Federal Reserve Board chairman was one of hundreds of victims of an elaborate identity-fraud ring, headed by a convicted scam artist known as “Big Head,” that stole more than $2.1 million from unsuspecting consumers and at least 10 financial institutions around the country, according to recently filed court records reviewed by NEWSWEEK.

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