WASHINGTON – After almost 10 years, it seems like nothing more than a lot of “what ifs” and fantasy on the part of the U.S. government when it talks about what to do with Osama bin Laden if he’s ever captured.
Still, CIA Director Leon Panetta testified Wednesday before a Senate hearing on Capitol Hill that the administration would probably take him to the military prison at Gitmo, the Associated Press reported.
AP’s Eileen Sullivan went on to write “that suggests that, at least under current law, bin Laden would not be transferred to US soil to be tried in the civilian court system.”
Bin laden has been indicted in federal court in connection with the Sept. 11 attacks.
But the new White House spokesman Jay Carney said, according to AP:
“The president remains committed to closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay, because as our military commanders have made clear, it’s a national security priority to do so.
“I’m not going to speculate about what, you know, would happen if we were to capture Osama bin Laden.”