IG Report on Fast and Furious Rumored to Be Coming Out in August

Allan Lengel
By Allan Lengel

I don’t often like to deal too much in conjecture, rumor or speculation, but in this case I will.

First off, the rumor circulating in Washington is that the Inspector General’s report on ATF’s failed Operation Fast and Furious will likely come out in August.

Who will get whacked?

Well, first off, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Phoenix will, including then-U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke and some of his underlings.

So will William Newell, the head of ATF in Phoenix at the time, who helped lead the bone-headed operation that encouraged gun dealers to sell to straw purchasers, all with the hopes of tracing the weapons to the Mexican cartels.  How Newell remains as an ATF employee is puzzling question.

Former ATF head Ken Melson and some of his underlings are likely to get a good spanking.

I’m speculating that the I.G. won’t place any blame at the feet of Attorney General Eric Holder or President Obama.

But Lanny Breuer, who heads up the Justice Department’s criminal division, could be the subject of some criticism.

In any event, I can’t wait for the report to come out. Ditto, I’m sure, for folks like Rep. Darrell Issa and Sen. Chuck Grassley, some of ATF’s chief critics on the Hill.


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