Illinois Couple Killed After Agreeing To Cooperate With FBI

East St. Louis/city photo
East St. Louis/city photo

Coincidence or Not? A couple was shot to death after agreeing to cooperate in an FBI probe of a farmer.

By Jim Suhr
The Associated Press
EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill. — A couple who helped a farmer hide a tractor from his creditors were found shot to death at their rural home just two days after they had agreed to talk to FBI agents investigating his bankruptcy, federal prosecutors say.
No one has been charged in the April 2007 deaths of George and Linda Weedon, whose bodies were found by firefighters responding to a fire at their home near Keyesport, a lakeside resort village about 60 miles east of St. Louis.
George Weedon had told an FBI agent he would cooperate with their investigation of farmer Joseph Diekemper, but feared Diekemper would burn down his house if he found out, according to documents filed in the case Monday.
Diekemper and his wife were charged in June with bankruptcy fraud. Prosecutors allege they hid valuable farm equipment at various places, including a tractor found behind a fake wall of a barn on the Weedons’ property.
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