Illinois U.S. Atty. Candidate Chases and Tackles Thief

Now certainly it can’t hurt to nab a criminal  when you’re being considered for a  U.S. Attorney post. It gives you that all around tough-on-crime image.  Next test: Let’s see if he can single handily capture a murderer or a terrorist.

Steve Wigginton/law firm photo
Steve Wigginton/law firm photo

The Belleville News-Democrat
BELLEVILLE — Steve Wigginton doesn’t know whether it is a requirement for a U.S. Attorney to chase down, tackle and detain criminals, but if there is, he can check that off his list.

Wigginton, a finalist for the job of U.S. attorney of the Southern District of Illinois, caught and held a man suspected of walking into his law office and snatching a secretary’s wallet Wednesday afternoon.

“I guess I would have that requirement covered,” Wigginton said when reached by phone on Thursday.

Freddie L. Davis, 46, of 212 Kinder in Cahokia, now faces two counts of burglary and remains in custody in lieu of $75,000 bail, said police Capt. Don Sax.

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