Immigrants Fearful of New Law Targeting Undocumented Residents

Steve Neavling

A new initiative to identify immigrants with criminal records in Massachusetts is terrifying many undocumented residents, the Boston Globe reports.

The launch of the federal program allows the FBI to share the fingerprints of those arrested by local police with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials.

Although the initiative is intended to identify and deport illegal immigrants who have criminal records or are fugitives, many undocumented workers erroneously believe the law is targeting them, according to the Boston Globe.

Some opponents of the law say immigrants are staying inside and even pulling at least one child from school.

“Kids go to school fearing that their parents could be taken away,” Yessenia Alfaro, director of organizing the ChelseaCollaborative, a community nonprofit, told the Globe.

3 thoughts on “Immigrants Fearful of New Law Targeting Undocumented Residents

  1. Why should illegal aliens NOT be afraid of being caught and deported? All illegals are criminals in need of prompt removal from the country.

  2. Enough of your anti-American propaganda, these people are not immigrants, they are the polar opposite of immigrants, every one is an intruding foreign career criminal stealing from Americans, and as such they SHOULD be fearful of the law.

  3. I see you have a link about criminal Bernie Madoff who “stole money and dreams”. Well illegal aliens do exactly the same thing collectively 1000 times as much as Madoff stole, why does the wire support their theft from Americans and lawful immigrants?

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