India News Outlets Report Mueller and Agents to Visit India Next Week

Robert Mueller III/fbi photo
Robert Mueller III/fbi photo
By Allan Lengel
WASHINGTON — News outlets in India  are reporting that FBI director Robert Mueller III and a group of FBI agents plan to visit that country  next week to pursue a terrorism investigation.

The website reported that the agents will follow up on an investigation into suspected terrorist David Coleman Headley who was recently charged in Chicago with plotting attacks in India and on a Denmark newspaper that published  controversial cartoons mocking Islam.

“Mueller, who will be heading a team of investigators days ahead of the first anniversary of the Nov 26 Mumbai terror strike, will probe Headley’s network in India and also establish his links with the Pakistan based Lashkar-e-Taiba,” the website reported.

The FBI on Thursday said that as a matter of practice it did not discuss or publicize the director’s overseas travel plans in advance.

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