Maybe it was the FBI photos that were made public that showed her stuffing alleged bribe money in her bra. Or maybe it was the pressure from the city’s religious community. Whatever it was, state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson announced Friday that she doesn’t have the stomach to continue her re-election bid for the state senate.
By Jessica Fargen
Boston Herald
Sen. Wilkerson/state photoBOSTON — A solemn state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson announced today she is ending her re-election campaign following a chorus of calls for her to resign.
Her decision comes after a morning meeting with members of the city’s Ten Point Coalition and Black Ministerial Alliance who were asking the eight-term state senator to quit as she confronts corruption charges levied against her.
The clergy groups even gave Wilkerson a 15-minute deadline today to either side with them in a joint statement or face them walking out on the talks. Wilkerson ultimately agreed to end her defiant run for re-election.