Inmate With FBI Wire Helps Bust Cellmate Who Wanted Prosecutor Killed

By Allan Lengel

With the help of a prisoner, who agreed to wear a wire, the FBI on Monday busted a 73-year-old man who wanted to have a Massachusetts prosecutor killed.

An affidavit by FBI agent Michael E. Dwyer said the FBI first received a letter from an inmate at the Worcester County House of Corrections on July 11, saying he wanted to speak to an FBI agent about an important matter.

Dwyer went to to the jail on July 28 and spoke to the inmate who said his former cellmate, Pernell Powell, wanted to have an Assistant District Attorney murdered, the affidavit said.  Powell was angry that the prosecutor recommended he serve four to six years for his fifth drunk driving offense.

The prison informant said Powell offered to pay $2,000 up front and another $2,000 after the job was done.

Earlier this month, the prison informant agreed to wear a wire and talk to Powell.

According to the affidavit, when the inmate asked Powell whether he was sure he wanted the prosecutor rubbed out,  Powell said:  “I want it. I mean what do you I put that money up for? I want his ass either way man”

The Telegram and Gazette reported that his next appearance is Sept. 6.

Read FBI Affidavit

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