By Steve Neavling
The investigation into the New Jersey Transit train crash hit a new phase after investigators reached the train’s lead car to retrieve data recorders.
It was a big break after investigators discovered that the data recorder in the rear of the train had malfunctioned.
“Now is when we get very, very busy,” Jim Southworth, investigator in charge for the transit safety agency, said, the USA Today reports.
Recovered from the front of the train were the data and video recorders that “appears to be in good shape,” Southworth said Tuesday.
It still wasn’t clear whether the devices were working at the time of the crash, which killed one woman and injured more than 100.
“We expect the recorders will be able to provide the investigators with speed information, throttle positions, braking system information, and about 100 other parameters, as well as a video image of the accident,” Southworth said.