Iowa U.S. Atty. Candidate’s Father Serving Time for Meth Conviction

It’s heartening to see that people can rise above such impediments. But if given the U.S. Attorney job, people are certainly going to be watching how he treats drug cases.

Nicholas Klinefeldt/law firm photo
Nicholas Klinefeldt/law firm photo

By Andrew Ramonas
Main Justice
WASHINGTON — The Midwest has been hit hard by meth. Law enforcement devotes significant resources to combatting the illegal drug.

All of which puts Des Moines lawyer Nick Klinefeldt, who is Sen. Tom Harkin’s choice for Iowa Southern District U.S. Attorney, in an unusual position.

Klinefeldt’s father, Michael Arthur Klinefeldt, is serving a 10-year sentence on a methamphetamine conviction, according to court records. Nick Klinefeldt declined to comment. A spokesman for Harkin said the candidate’s father’s conviction isn’t an issue.

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