Is Hoover Building too Ugly to be Saved?

Steve Neavling

As the FBI looks to vacate the J. Edgar Hoover building for a new Washington headquarters, you won’t find preservationists and neighbors putting up a fight to save what was dubbed the ugliest building on Earth this year, the Washington Post reports.

The fortress-like, concrete building, which is nearly 40 years old and has stylistically outlived its increasingly posh and modern neighborhood, is uninviting and generally disdained, the Post reported.

“Certainly the general public detests it,” said Tersh Boasberg, former longtime chairman of the D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board.

The building is so unattractive that a travel site named the Hoover building the ugliest on Earth this year.

The FBI plans to move because the building is deteriorating, the Washington Post reported last year.

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