Islamic Extremist or an FBI-Created Extremist?

By Danny Fenster

Federal authorities have arrested an Islamic extremist, but Adam Martin at the Atlantic Wire is skeptical.

Kosovo-born Sami Osmakac is being charged with plotting to bomb Tampa, Fla.-area nightclubs and a sheriff’s office to “avenge wrongs done to Muslims,” according to the AP. But Martin is quite ready to pat the Feds on the back.

“It’s a dramatic-sounding bust for the F.B.I.,” writes Martin, “but becomes a little less so after you learn the guy only had access to the weapons he wanted because an undercover agent provided it.” Martin then quoted a tweet from a British newspaper editor: “Interesting how most terror plots ‘thwarted’ by the FBI are actually fake plots created by the FBI,” tweeted Benji Green.

Osmakac gave an FBI agent $500 as a down payment for an AK-47, an explosive belt and homemade grenades, and asked for additional weapons, obtaining some of the arms after being rendered inoperable by agents.

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