Islamic Group Threatens to Cut Ties to FBI

istock_000007698493xsmallBy Allan Lengel
WASHINGTON –– The sometimes bumpy ties between the FBI and the U.S. Muslim communities could get bumpier.

The American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections (AMT) , a coalition of major U.S. Muslim groups, announced Tuesday that it was considering suspending “outreach relations with the FBI” as a result of the FBI targeting American mosques and Muslim groups.

The move comes several months after the FBI cut off formal ties to the prominent group CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations),  citing its links to Hamas. CAIR is one of several organizations that make up AMT, according to the AMT website.

As part of its effort to patch up the riff, CAIR late last month held an open house dinner in Minneapolis at a local mosque and extended an invitation to FBI director Robert Mueller III, who did not attend.

In response to Tuesdays’ development, FBI spokesman John Miller issued a statement:
“Limiting honest dialogue, especially when complex issues are on the table, is generally not an effective advocacy strategy. The FBI has continued our outreach efforts, across the board, with a number of concerned groups and where we agree-or disagree – most have concluded the best results are achieved through continued conversation. We believe that to be true.”

The latest salvo in the tense relationship arrived via a press release issued on the PR Newswire by the coalition group.

“Despite fear-mongering by a vocal minority, Muslim Americans are natural allies of law enforcement agencies in ensuring the well being of our nation. .. Yet recent incidents targeting American Muslim led us to consider suspending ongoing outreach efforts with the FBI.
The group said in California, the FBI sent a convicted criminal to pose as an “agent provocateur in several of that state’s mosques.

“An FBI agent allegedly told one of the mosque attendees that the agency would make his life a ‘living hell’ if he did not become an informant.

Addressing the relationship issues previous, the AMT organization issued this statement:

“Trust is the cornerstone of any partnership between law enforcement and communities. It can only be established and maintained through clear and open communication. Without this, trust is eroded and suspicions arise on all sides.”

One thought on “Islamic Group Threatens to Cut Ties to FBI

  1. Since Islam is duplicitous by its own definition, where are you IF you take anything by their word. It is taught to lie to your enemy.

    You fail when you think of Islam as a “religion”. It is a political system of overthrow and servitude. Even if you live “peacefully” amongst it, you are in perpetual dhimmitude and must pay your servant tax.

    We simply will never allow that…one way or another.


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