James Comey Expected to Reveal Today Whether FBI Is Investigating Trump, Russia Ties

FBI Director James Comey, via Wikipedia
FBI Director James Comey, via Wikipedia

By Steve Neavling

FBI Director James Comey pledged to reveal today whether the FBI is investigating ties between the campaign of Donald Trump and Russia, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse said.

The Rhode Island Democrat said the promise was made in a March 2 meeting with him and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-Rhode Island, CNN reports

Whitehouse said Comey pledged to confirm if an investigation exists and  “the scope of their Russia/Trump investigation because he had not been able to at that point say that there was one.”

Whitehouse and Graham, who are leading one of three Congressional investigations into Russia’s meddling in the U.S. elections, requested evidence from the Justice Department last week  that Trump Tower was wiretapped by former President Obama.

The FBI did not return calls for comment.

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