James Comey to Publish Two Crime Novels ‘Inspired by Real Work’

James Comey (Twitter photo)

By Steve Neavling

Former FBI Director James Comey is trying his hand at something new and familiar – fiction writing. 

Comey announced Tuesday that he’s set to publish his first of two novels in the spring. 

Comey has a deal to publish two novels for Mysterious Press. 

The first, titled “Central Park West,” features an assistant U.S. attorney who investigates the mafia’s ties to the murder of a local politician. 

“I’m excited to take readers inside fascinating worlds I’ve come to know from my time in government and the private sector,” Comey said in a statement.

“These stories are fiction, but, inspired by real work I’ve done, they will offer a rarely-seen view of interesting people and institutions.”

Comey wrote two nonfiction books, A Higher Loyalty and Saving Justice

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