Jeffrey Clark Launches Bizarre Criticism of Former DOJ Official for Attending Burning Man

Jeffrey Clark’s mug shot. Photo: Fulton County Sheriff’s Office

By Steve Neavling

Jeffrey Clark, who was charged along with Donald Trump in the Georgia racketeering case, unleashed a strange diatribe on a fellow former Justice Department official for attending Burning Man. 

“Why am I not surprised that Neal Katyal made it a priority to get to a neopagan ritual?” Clark tweeted, sharing a post from Katyal at the festival. 

“See picture below in lower right,” he continued. “Pray that these folks come to the light & realize that the only path is through and to our Lord. We are all fallen and need God, and to repent as a Nation.”

Katyal, who was acting solicitor general in the Obama administration, swiftly responded with a comeback. 

“Dear Criminal Defendant Clark,” Katyal wrote. “I am a Hindu. Are you suggesting I do not belong in this country?”

He suggested Clark may be “better off studying our Founders, the text of our First Amendment and (albeit for other reason), the Criminal Code.”

During the Trump administration, Clark served as acting head of the Justice Department’s civil division and was an assistant attorney general in the environment and natural resources division. 

Trump considered appointing Clark to acting attorney general, former administration officials said

Prosecutors say Clark played a key role in Trump’s plot to overturn the 2020 election. 

After Clark was indicted in August, he claimed that “witches, spiritists, mediums, those with spirit animals, and Ukrainian NPCs” were attacking him.

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