Often times law enforcement cars get a pass when it comes to parking tickets or moving violations. But the Secret Service agents who protect Jena Bush found themselves in an embarrassing situation. Apparently, the city had had enough.

By Kelly Groft and Delia Goncalves
BALTIMORE — Jenna Bush has called one stylish South Baltimore street, just outside Federal Hill, home for about a year. It seems in the course of that year, her Secret Service has been ignoring parking tickets. Friday, it finally caught up to them.
Adrienne Barnes from the Baltimore City Department of Transportation said, “We can confirm that two undescribed vehicles were ticketed one vehicle was towed.”
There was no sympathy from her neighbors.
“I think it’s great,” said James Gorman, “They should deal with everything we deal with day in and day out.” Maria Gonzalez added, “It’s nice to know no matter what the license plate says no matter what kind of car they’re going to take care of it.”
Department of Transportation officials said an agent paid to get the car released and will pay all fines incurred. The City typically tows after 3 outstanding parking tickets. “All 3 tickets have to be more than 30 days old,” explained Barnes.