Jordanian National Gets 24 Years in Plot to Blow Up Dallas Skyscraper

dallas-map1By Allan Lengel

A Jordanian national caught in an FBI sting in which he plotted to blow up a Dallas skyscraper in September 2009, was sentenced Tuesday to 24 years in prison.

Authorities charged that Hosam Maher Husein Smadi drove a truck containing a fake bomb provided by the FBI to the Fountain Place, a 60-story office building in Dallas.

He then parked the truck in a public parking garage under the building, activated the timer linked to the device, locked the truck and walked away, authorities said.

Afterwards, Smadi crossed the street and got into a car with an undercover law enforcement agent.

They then drove a safe distance away, hoping to watch the explosion. Smadi used a cell phone to remotely activate the device, authorities said.

“The court’s sentence of Mr. Smadi sends a clear message that there is a serious price to be paid by those who may be willing to carry out acts of violence in this country to further the terrorist cause. I applaud the many agents, analysts and prosecutors responsible for this successful investigation and prosecution,” said Assistant Attorney General Kris.

Read Dallas Morning News story

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