Joshua Skule Named Assistant Director of the Directorate of Intelligence at FBI Headquarters

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By Allan Lengel

Joshua Skule has been named assistant director of the Directorate of Intelligence at FBI Headquarters, moving just blocks from where he has been serving as special agent in charge of the Intelligence Division at the Washington Field Office. He assumes his new post in January.

Skule began his career as an FBI agent in 1998, first working in the Chicago office where he investigated violent crimes and public corruption.

In 2008, he was promoted to a unit chief in the Counterterrorism Division where he was responsible for counterterrorism investigations within the United States, a press release said. A year later, he was named assistant section chief in the division.

In 2011, Skule was selected named assistant special agent in charge of the Criminal Division at the Washington Field Office where he managed several programs, including organized crime, gangs, violent crime, and cyber investigations.

In 2012,, he was  promoted to section chief of the Counterterrorism Division, and the following year he was promoted to deputy assistant director.

One thought on “Joshua Skule Named Assistant Director of the Directorate of Intelligence at FBI Headquarters

  1. The FBI skell may want to look
    at the evidence obtained by two
    military grade remote viewers
    identifying FBI Director Hoover
    as organizer of the President Kennedy


    Courtney Brown – Death in Dallas: Remote Viewing JFK Part Two

    December 23, 2015
    Courtney Brown 8.2

    Farsight Institute director Courtney Brown discusses their latest remote viewing project The JFK Assassination. This is a two part interview. Part one is here.

    Part one probes the identity of the shooters, while part two examines who or what was behind the

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